A Home Away From Home
For Your Fur Babies
Just Like Home Pet Hotel has been providing high-quality services since we opened our doors in May 2009. Every day, we strive to provide you and your pets with friendly service and the best pet hotel and day care experience in the Highlands County area.
Different than all the rest, our resort offers the utmost in comfort and pampering for your pets. Our Hotel offers overnight, weekend or longer vacations as well as Day Camp. Overnight Guests enjoy the choice between three room styles: Southern Suites, Deluxe Suites, and K9 Kabins. For our persnickety felines we have Kitty Kondos.
“Until one has loved an animal,
a part of one's soul remains unawakened”.
-Anatole France
Our Services
The K9 Kabins offer a different experience for dogs in a 4' by 8' room with custom gates at each entrance. There is a raised section for sleeping and each guest receives a sleeping blanket. The kabin area allows the guests to "talk" to each other while still being in their own room.
Southern Suite and our new Deluxe Suite
Southern Suites offer private rooms with single or double occupancy abilities. Each room has its own television and raised beds and views of nature scattered throughout various rooms. Guests enjoy a padded pillow for sleeping and snuggling.
Deluxe suites offers the same luxury as our southern suites with double the space for a even more luxurious stay.
Kitty Kondos
Each Kondo is 2 stories with its own bathroom (litterbox area) which is separate from the living space. There is a butterfly garden outside the windows of most kondos and a fish tank on the inside to capture their curiosity. The kondo area has its own separate air system to keep it at the perfect cozy temperature for feline comfort.
Indoor Play Room
The Play Room pictured has many toys, balls, play slide, a cushy chair and television with "movie of the day" always playing. Time in this room can be purchased as an upgrade for your dog while at the hotel. Many of our guests enjoy this extra as it gives them one on one time with our hotel team.
Outdoor Play Yard
We are SO excited to share our outdoor play room with any and all guests for a fun upgrade during their stay! Freedom to run, sunbath or play in this spacious play room!
Pool Play Area
This room has a wading pool so all breeds can enjoy the splash time. Balls and floating toys are in the pool for enjoyment as well. Guests enjoy this room and the playroom because they have run of the house off their leash with some good ole' fashion fun!!
**Day Camp Available 7 Days a Week!**